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GHG Scopes 101:

Scope 1: Direct Greenhouse (GHG) Emissions


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Explaining Scope 1 Emissions

Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from company-owned and controlled resources. In other words, emissions released into the atmosphere as a direct result of a set of activities at a firm level. This will include all the emissions from the activities of an organization or under their control, such as fuel burned in owned or controlled boilers, furnaces, and vehicles, and emissions from chemical production in owned or controlled process equipment. All fuels that produce GHG emissions must be included in Scope 1.

Examples of Scope 1 Emissions

Mobile combustion

is all vehicles owned or controlled by a firm, burning fuel (e.g. car, vans, trucks). The increasing use of “electric” vehicles (EVs), means that some of the organization’s fleets could fall into Scope 2 emissions.

Fugitive emissions

are leaks from greenhouse gases (e.g. refrigeration, air conditioning units). It is important to note that refrigerant gases are a thousand times more dangerous than CO2 emissions.

Process emissions

are released during industrial processes and on-site manufacturing (e.g., production of CO2 during cement manufacturing, factory fumes, chemicals).

Continue Learning About Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions

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