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Carbon & Sustainability Partners

Gain land insights and carbon offset production with CIBO’s breakthrough, science-based technology.

Helping Partners Scale Regenerative Agricultural Programs

We help partners in the food, fiber and ag value chain efficiently develop, deliver and scale customized grower-focused sustainability incentive programs. We do this by leveraging CIBO Impact, our science-based software platform.

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CIBO Program Sponsors

Program Sponsors develop incentive programs to syndicate to CIBO’s Grower Network. Achieve unmatched reach into our grower and ag enterprise ecosystem.

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Platform Partners

Platform Partners develop and deliver incentive programs to their growers using a branded version of the CIBO Impact Platform.

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Grower Network Partners

Grower Network Partners deploy a branded version of CIBO Impact at no cost and agree to syndicate incentive programs to their growers from CIBO, Program Sponsors or Platform Partners. Grower Network Partners earn a per-acre fee for enrolled acres.

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Protocol Partners Partnering for Change

CIBO regularly partners with organizations to achieve a greater impact on climate change initiatives. We partner with organizations that are committed to changing the future of agriculture through promoting sustainable and regenerative farming practices.

By supporting regenerative practices, we believe we can create a lasting and positive impact on our agricultural systems,  environment, food security and climate.

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Partner Organizations

Air Miners Blog Card


AirMiners is the place for people working on mining carbon from the air, including over a thousand startup founders, scientists, engineers, and more.

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Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture

Field to Market is a diverse collaboration working to create productive and profitable opportunities across the agricultural value chain for continuous improvements in environmental outcomes. Their work is grounded in science-based tools and resources, unparalleled, system-wide collaboration and increased supply-chain transparency.

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Gold Standard

Gold Standard for the Global Goals sets the standard for climate and development interventions to quantify, certify, and maximize their impact – creating value for people around the world and the planet we share.

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OpenTEAM is a collaborative community of farmers, scientists and researchers, engineers, farm service providers, and food companies that are committed to improving soil health and advancing agriculture’s ability to become a solution to climate change. OpenTEAM is headquartered at Wolfe’s Neck Center in Maine.

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Verra is the global leader in voluntary carbon market quality assurance. They have developed over 200 greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and sequestration standards, known as methodologies. Each standard can be used to develop programs that create meaningful environmental and social value with high quality and confidence.

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