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Regenerative Ag Verification 101:

Proving Sustainability Practices

Hand-selected content, lessons, videos and resources from the top scientists, organizations, and influencers so you can monitor, manage and monetize your business without boots on the ground.




Verifying Your Regenerative Agriculture Practices

Our experts have curated tools and knowledge to help you and your business prove the impact of regenerative ag

An Introduction to the Science Behind Remote Verification

Computer vision and remote sensing enable you to save time on manual verification so you can focus your energy on planning growing activities and profits. Use this pathway to fast-track your knowledge of key terms and concepts about crop modeling.

Experience: Beginner

For those who want to:

  • Learn key remote sensing and regenerative agriculture terms
  • Understand how the science behind crop models can be used across crops and geographies
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how these technologies can be applied to your fields

What is a Crop Model?

| 6 minutes

Crop models allow any stakeholder in agriculture to explore potential management practices, crops, yields, and more before moving forward with expensive and time-consuming field choices. A Crop Model is the set of mathematical equations describing how crop genetics, crop management practices, and the environment interact together to determine crop growth. It is in essence a mathematical representation of a cropping system.


What is Crop Modeling?

| 3 minutes

Complex environment and plant interactions are best understood when you factor in the whole agriculture ecosystem. Crop models help use quantitative factors to predict plant growth and development as influenced by environmental conditions. To build a crop model, you need to discover the mathematical relationships between a crop, its environment (weather and soil) and management factors (fertilization, planting density) applied to the plants during the growing season. Crop models use these mathematical relationships to simulate different aspects of crop performance to mimic the growth and development of a crop in the real world.


What is Crop Simulation?

| 2.5 minutes

Each day, conditions change within the agricultural ecosystem. Crop simulation provides a unique opportunity to track and predict field conditions, crop growth, and soil quality at each critical moment in a growing season. Simulation uses fundamental laws of nature to model how physical, chemical, and biological processes occur, making it possible to predict what would happen under a nearly infinite number of scenarios.


What is Remote Sensing in Agriculture?

| 4 minutes

At CIBO, we are focused on providing actionable information and insights regarding farmland, and we use many different sources of data to do so. Some of this data is available from public sources. Some we derive from our proprietary modeling technology. And other data comes to us from tens of thousands of miles in the air, via satellites soaring around the earth.


What is Soil Sampling?

| 3 minutes

Soil health is a critical concern in regenerative agriculture. Knowledge of soil health provides a basis for sound land management decisions and a starting point for regenerative practices. There are two common ways to understand soil health and analyze the nutrient management in fields – soil sampling and modeling.

Test your knowledge!

It’s quiz time to see what you learned about regenerative agriculture.

How to Put Remote Verification into Practice


To successfully manage regenerative agriculture practices, you need to have a deep understanding of the science behind the surveillance technologies. Embark on this path to gain the skills and tools you need to effectively choose and measure a regenerative agriculture practice for your operation.

Experience: Intermediate

For those who want to:

  • See examples of how CIBO applies remote sensing and computer vision across the US
  • Learn how to develop new ways on monitoring regenerative agriculture practices
  • Build a successful understanding of how these technologies can be applied to your fields

Computer Vision and Remote Sensing: Agricultural Information in the 21st Century

| 7.5 minutes

At CIBO, we are focused on providing actionable information and insights regarding farmland, and we use many different sources of data to do so. Some of this data is available from public sources. Some we derive from our proprietary modeling technology. And other data comes to us from tens of thousands of miles in the air, via satellites soaring around the earth.


How Remotely Sensed Performance Zone Maps Improve Agriculture Assessments

| 11 minutes

Understanding how farmland behaves is tricky because it’s not just about historical yield, type of soil and weather conditions. We often think of a field as a single unit, but in reality, every field has variability: differences in soil type, texture, and slope mean that different parts of the field show obvious differences in yield. To deeply understand a field, we need to know how these parts perform relative to each other.


How Does CIBO Model Crop Yield?

| 4 minutes

When you look at a CIBO parcel report, you see a graph showing simulated yields for that parcel across several years (Figure 1). If you select another parcel, you will most likely see different yield values and different year-to-year patterns. This is true for each parcel across the geography covered by CIBO’s platform.


CIBO Lab: Forecasting the Effects of Weather on Land

| 4 minutes

It’s one thing to forecast the weather — it’s quite another to see how weather will affect individual parcels of land in an upcoming planting season. There are, after all, myriad variables at play, including soil quality, drainage ability, type of crop, and much more.

Test your knowledge!

It’s quiz time to see what you learned about regenerative agriculture.

Finish Your Journey Exploring Remote
Verification of Regenerative Agriculture


Fast-track your growing operations with practical ways to implement and verify regenerative agriculture.  Use these final pieces of content to leverage the power of CIBO Enterprise to transform your business with regenerative agriculture.

Experience: Expert

For those who want to:

  • Understand how the science is applied to real-world problems
  • Set-up a growing operation with CIBO Enterprise
  • Deliver and demonstrate the value of CIBO Enterprise

How CIBO Enterprise Powers Sustainability, Carbon, and Incentive Programs Across Grower Networks

| 3 minutes

When it comes to growing enterprise operations, bigger often seems better – from a bigger customer base, to more growers, to a bigger market presence. While there is a certain amount of truth in building for the future, managing growth isn’t always easy especially when you’re looking to do it sustainably. Ag Businesses know that they have to act if they’re going to bring the climate commitments from their boardroom to life at the farm gate.


How CIBO Enterprise Verifies Agriculture Practices

| 2 minutes

For the grower-focused business, CIBO Enterprise delivers unprecedented insights at scale. Engage customers, suppliers and operators in sustainability and achieve your sustainability goals within your grower network.


How Land Management, Financial Services, and Grower Organizations Use CIBO Enterprise

| 3 minutes

If you’re in agriculture, you know that the industry focus is shifting toward building more sustainable operations for the future. Delivering a sustainable product and having the backing of regenerative agriculture is a crucial differentiator for today’s society. Not sure where to start? That’s where CIBO Enterprise comes in. CIBO Enterprise enables organizations to work more proactively to meet and exceed their sustainability goals.


Three Ways Organizations can Benefit from CIBO Enterprise

| 2.5 minutes

The world’s climate experts agree that the world must take urgent action to bring down emissions. The carbon in the earth’s atmosphere is trapping heat and changing the world’s climate. If organizations and individuals don’t take action to curb emissions, the results may be catastrophic.


CIBO Enterprise: Accelerating Growth in a Sustainable Ag Economy

| 55 minutes

The importance of sustainability and new opportunities to become carbon neutral has never been greater. More and more research is making it clear that farmland and agriculture will be part of the climate solution. For this reason, the adoption of farmland is a key investment along with figuring out how to monetize and monitor that land.

Test your knowledge!

It’s quiz time to see what you learned about regenerative agriculture.


Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide To Regenerative Agriculture

Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide to Low Carbon Corn for Carbon Neutral Ethanol

Download the eBook:

Getting Started on Your Scope 3 Journey in Agriculture

Download the eBook:

Confidence in Carbon Modeling

Download the eBook:

The Current State of Net-Zero Target Setting and Accounting in Agriculture

Download the eBook:

Boots on the Ground: Accelerating Regenerative Agriculture Program adoption with CIBO’s Tech-Enabled Grower Network Partners