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Regenerative Ag Verification 101 Pathway:

 How Land Management, Financial Services, and Grower Organizations Use CIBO Enterprise


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If you’re in agriculture, you know that the industry focus is shifting toward building more sustainable operations for the future. Delivering a sustainable product and having the backing of regenerative agriculture is a crucial differentiator for today’s society. Not sure where to start? That’s where CIBO Enterprise comes in. CIBO Enterprise enables organizations to work more proactively to meet and exceed their sustainability goals.

CIBO Enterprise provides agriculture insights and automation at a scale needed to help operations become carbon neutral proactively. Find out how this solution allows organizations across industries to address their increasing strategic responsibilities and challenges.

Gaining Scalable Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Land Management Firms

Land management firms today are faced with managing many different growers and types of operations. Traditional walking of fields and regularly checking in on growing conditions cannot offer the content and agility needed to manage and transition operations to regenerative agriculture.

Case Study

A land management firm is looking to reward and promote regenerative agriculture in its grower network. The organization needs real-time updates and a scalable approach. CIBO Enterprise has an easy and simple enrollment process for both enterprises and growers to receive customization information. When enrolling, organizations can build customizable metrics to get the agricultural insights they need. CIBO Enterprise provides real-time alerts on management practices, crop emergence, and more throughout the growing season. Organizations can then monitor and measure the regenerative agriculture practices performed and give growers incentives for progress or good practices.

Tracking Agricultural Investments for Financial Services

Valuing agricultural operations and land requires a specialized financial services approach. With CIBO Enterprise, financial firms can evaluate land risk and prospect new customers much more easily and accurately. Fields enrolled in CIBO can be scaled from a specific field to nationally available land.

Case Study

A financial services firm needs to research past management practices, take soil samples, and other manual valuation techniques. CIBO Enterprise allows organizations to bundle fields into portfolios and follow their valuations over time. CIBO provides real-time reports that roll-up insights across a portfolio. With alerts and science-based modeling, financial institutions can easily track and monitor how investments are developing. To build a more sustainable investment portfolio, use CIBO Enterprise to track regenerative agriculture practices and reward sustainable actions. Save time and money with CIBO Enterprise’s visibility into management practices, crops planted, expected yield, harvest dates and carbon footprint across your parcels in your business.

Investors can also follow through on carbon reduction commitments by joining the CIBO marketplace for direct access to carbon credits generated by farmers.

Driving Innovation for Growers

One of the advantages of CIBO Enterprise is its ability to bring together public, proprietary and private data from various sources and apply CIBO’s model to enrich the insights.

Case Study

A growing operation in the midwest needs to understand how each parcel and crop is developing throughout the growing season. It’s easy to deeply understand how one small operation is doing but tough to scale it across several farms. A centralized monitoring system is essential for an extended growing operation to gain visibility for operation decisions throughout the growing season.

CIBO Enterprise provides the ability to create portfolios, easily enroll fields, and receive real-time alerts. With CIBO alerts, growers can instantly know when there are weather events, crop emergence.

Unlock a Sustainable Enterprise-Wide Future

Monitoring, measuring and managing regenerative agriculture practices unlock new pathways to organizational growth. At CIBO, we expand what’s possible for businesses by advancing the science-based technology behind them. We seamlessly monitor regenerative agriculture practices, empowering companies to focus less on expensive grower check-ins and more on sustainability goals.

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