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Regenerative Ag Practices 101 Pathway:

How to Choose, Implement, & Monitor Ag

Hand-selected content, lessons, videos and resources from the top scientists, organizations, and influencers so you can better build regenerative agriculture into their business and make sustainable farming choices.





How to Put Regenerative Agriculture into Practice

Our experts have curated tools and knowledge to help you and your business make sustainable farming choices


An Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture

Embark on this path to gain the skills and tools you need to effectively choose and maintain a regenerative agriculture practice for your operation. Use this pathway to fast-track your knowledge of key terms, concepts and scientific study of sustainable farming.

Experience: Beginner

For those who want to:

  • Discover and demonstrate an understanding of key regenerative agriculture terms
  • Understand how growers at all stages of implementation are approaching sustainable farming
  • Create strategy plans that help map what steps you need to take to transition into regenerative agriculture.


What is Regenerative Agriculture?

| 3 minutes

Regenerative Agriculture is an approach to farming that focuses on healthy soils and ecosystems. The approach to farming works with the natural systems to repair the landscape, soil structure, ecosystem biodiversity and climate for the sake of long term productivity and sustainability. regenerative agriculture brings together multiple sustainable agriculture methods to achieve the goal of restoring land health.


What is an Agriculture Carbon Credit?

| 1.5 minutes

Growing operations have traditionally earned money through raising high-quality crops but now carbon markets are opening up a new revenue stream. Farmers can get paid for transitioning to regenerative agriculture practices by trapping carbon dioxide in their soil and reducing carbon emissions on the farm. But what exactly is a carbon credit and how is it produced?


What are the Elements of a Carbon Offset?

| 3.5 minutes

A carbon offset is a measurable unit that can substitute for the GHG emission reductions that an organization would have made on its own. A carbon credit is the certificate that a practice has removed 1 tonne of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In agriculture, a carbon credit is generated through broad adoption of farm management practices that replenish the soil and help trap carbon in the ground.


How does Carbon Offsetting Work?

| 2.5 minutes

We are all responsible for global warming. But how often have you thought about how much your everyday habits pollute the environment? We regularly use items that contribute to climate change without giving it much thought. The best way to understand your carbon footprint is to understand it and then offset it.


USDA: Cover Crop Trends, Programs, and Practices in the United States

| 7 minutes

According to the USDA, between 2012 and 2017, the use of cover crops in the United States increased by 50 percent. When farmers implement cover crops into crop rotation, there are many benefits for not only the farmers but society as well. That is why the federal and state conservation programs increased efforts to promote cover crops through financial assistance. The benefits of cover crops are dependent upon the type of cover crop used, the method used to terminate its growth, soil health management, and more.


Journal Article: Regenerative Agriculture: An agronomic perspective

| 3.5 minutes

Climate change is a serious issue in our world today. Agriculture, soil health, and biodiversity are all in trouble. Regenerative agriculture is part of the solution. An article from the Sage Journals addresses this issue from an agronomic perspective as well as which problems regenerative agriculture actually solves.

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Explore Regenerative Agriculture Educational Materials

Our experts have curated tools and knowledge to help you and your business make sustainable farming choices


Putting together the many ways to implement regenerative farming can be confusing. Whether you’re having trouble understanding the difference between cover crops, carbon sequestration, or how to make this endeavor profitable, the learning path will break it down.

Experience: Intermediate

For those who want to:

  • Understand how regenerative agriculture can be profitable
  • Explore how to choose a cover crop or conservation farming practice
  • Hear from other farmers why they chose to implement regenerative agriculture practices and how it worked in their fields


Forbes: Is Regenerative Agriculture Profitable?

| 4 minutes

Forbes Councils Member Artem Milinchuk tackles a question that is top of mind for many investors interested in farmland: Can moving from traditional cropping systems to regenerative agriculture be profitable?


Kiss the Ground: A Closer Look: Regenerative Agriculture Practices

| 4 minutes

We often see tilled soil and think, “that is just what farming is, it actually looks kinda nice in those neat rows” and we may have been told that there are benefits to tilling like decreasing weeds or loosening the soil or increasing aeration. However, there are serious downsides to tillage that wreak havoc on the entire soil ecosystem, reduce its carbon storage, and its ability to regenerate itself.


Cover Crops: The Doctor of Soil Health

| 7.5 minutes

Cover crops have been gaining popularity as part of the movement to transform the agriculture industry to regenerative agriculture. In recent years, cover crops have generated excitement as a way to improve soil health, reduce erosion, and help improve the sustainability of agriculture practices. Regenerative agriculture has been heralded by scientists, policymakers, farmers, as a way to scale approaches that significantly help to improve the environmental impact of farming. This article will talk about the nitty-gritty of different types of cover crops and how they improve soil health and productivity.


A Pocket Guide to Greenhouse Gases and Farming

| 6 minutes

In the United States, there are more than 350 million acres of cropland. If the soil on each acre emitted just a little less carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide and retained just a bit more carbon, the cumulative effect could help solve the global climate change problem.


Conservation Finance Network: Farmers on the Frontlines of the Regenerative Agriculture Transition

| 12 minutes

Achieving the transition from conventional to regenerative agriculture will require a major shift in the strategy and behavior of many of America’s two million farmers. For a farmer, farming for healthy soils, ecosystems, communities and climate conflicts at many points with conventional agriculture practice. Wider success comes only from the cumulative impact of individual farmers changing their on-farm practices, and resetting how they keep data, manage expenses, sell, and borrow.


Infographic: Top 5 Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture

| 2 minutes

Farming plays a critical role in businesses across the globe but agriculture can take a toll on the environment and the ecosystem. Regenerative agriculture aims to change that and help growers make a positive impact.

Test your knowledge!

It’s quiz time to see what you learned about regenerative agriculture.

 How to Put Regenerative Agriculture into Practice

Our experts have curated tools and knowledge to help you and your business make sustainable farming choices


Picking and implementing a regenerative agriculture practice helps you to become both economically and environmentally aligned. Taking the next steps on this learning path helps you learn how CIBO Enterprise can more quickly and effectively help you on your way to implementing regenerative practices.

Experience: Expert

For those who want to:

  • Learn how CIBO Enterprise can help figure out the best regenerative practices for your growing organization
  • Ways to build insetting and offsetting into a supply chain
  • Deliver and demonstrate the value of CIBO Enterprise


Introducing CIBO Impact: Transformative Technology that Supports the Scaling of Sustainable Farming Practices

| 3 minutes

CIBO Impact enables new possibilities for scaling and accelerating regenerative agriculture by making it simple for farmers to enroll their land and quantify carbon credits arising from sustainable farming practices.


Why Growers Enroll Their Fields in CIBO Impact

| 1.5 minutes

CIBO Impact is a breakthrough new approach to supporting, measuring, and, most importantly, compensating farmers for the sustainable practices you’re already doing. CIBO requires no multi-year contract commitments, no expensive and distracting soil sampling, and no disruption to your current operations. Simply sign up and, when the program becomes available in your area, get paid.


Case Study: Martin Family Farms

| 10 minutes

Doug from Martin Family Farms was one of the first growers to sell CIBO-verified carbon credits on the CIBO Impact carbon marketplace. Martin Family Farms sold carbon credits to one small business seeking to offset the carbon footprint of their online activities for the year. They selected Martin Family Farms and purchased all of the credits available from one of Martin’s fields. The organization selected the Martin Family Farms because of their multi-generation commitment to being good stewards of their land and environment and regenerative practices.


Case Study: Regenerative Agriculture Takes Root In Central Illinois As CIBO Impact Opens New Access To Carbon Markets

| 10 minutes

Central Illinois offers a clear view for understanding the potential of regenerative agriculture and emerging market opportunities for carbon credits. In the geographical center of the state, grain farmers are finding even on land they’ve worked for generations that the ground beneath their feet is fertile new soil for discovery.


Walk Through the CIBO Impact Platform

| 6.5 minutes

Watch CIBO VP of Sustainability and Regeneration Jenette Ashtekar walk through the CIBO Impact platform. See how it can work for businesses and growers to help scale sustainable and regenerative agriculture. We’re inviting businesses, farm operators, owners and managers alike to register now for our CIBO Impact program.


Enroll Your Fields in CIBO Impact

| 1 minute

CIBO Impact is a breakthrough new approach to supporting, measuring and, most importantly, compensating farmers for the sustainable practices you’re already doing. CIBO requires no multi-year contract commitments, no expensive and distracting soil sampling, and no disruption to your current operations. Simply sign up and get paid.

Test your knowledge!

It’s quiz time to see what you learned about regenerative agriculture.

CiBO ebook SolvingTheTrickyRiddleOfLandValuation 3

Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide To Regenerative Agriculture

Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide to Low Carbon Corn for Carbon Neutral Ethanol

Download the eBook:

Getting Started on Your Scope 3 Journey in Agriculture

Download the eBook:

Confidence in Carbon Modeling

Download the eBook:

The Current State of Net-Zero Target Setting and Accounting in Agriculture

Download the eBook:

Boots on the Ground: Accelerating Regenerative Agriculture Program adoption with CIBO’s Tech-Enabled Grower Network Partners