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Objective insights and unified data help all stakeholders better understand land.

The CIBO platform gives farmers, investors, lenders, and all other stakeholders in the agriculture and rural land economy the proprietary, parcel-level insights and easy access to publicly available data they need to power an agricultural ecosystem that’s environmentally and economically enduring.

Carbon Buyers

Follow-through on carbon reduction commitments by joining the CIBO marketplace for direct access to carbon credits generated by farmers.

Carbon Buyers

  • Gain transparency with a direct view to the actual fields and operators
  • Purchase credits in bulk at set price or bid.
  • Fields enrolled in the carbon program can be scaled from a specific field to nationally available land.

Carbon footprint trackers and monitors

Understand the current impact as well as potential improvement based on new practices across a portfolio.

Carbon footprint trackers and monitors

  • Quantify the footprint of an entire food production system and its total carbon offset potential.
  • Efficiently track and manage growers and fields enrolled in carbon offset programs.
  • Receive automated notifications on events impacting the portfolio and communicate with operators through app notifications.

Input Companies

Track and manage carbon across an entire food production system.

Input Companies

  • Define the scenarios based on hypothetical and/or actual on farm management to estimate credit offset potential.
  • Verify farmer practices with CIBO using remote sensing and other means throughout the growing season.

Farmers and operators

Increase your negotiating power and take a more strategic, data-driven approach to expanding your operations.

Farmers and operators

  • Set better pricing and terms based upon richer comparative analyses backed by actual, objective data
  • Compare a field’s performance against other fields from within your region or county, or across the nation
  • Predict the effect of in-season changes on field performance, without relying upon local data input from individual farmers

Land investors and buyers

Increase your return on investment (ROI) by more quickly and easily finding and comparing high-value land parcels.

Land investors and buyers

  • Find, research, and analyze investment opportunities more quickly, easily, and accurately
  • Negotiate better pricing and terms based upon richer comparable (comp) analyses backed by actual, objective data

Brokers and auction houses

Improve and distinguish your customer service with richer land information and more accurate comps about the land parcels you sell.

Brokers and auction houses

  • Enjoy easy access to detailed, objective information about a land parcel from a single technology platform
  • Provide richer land details to clients without having to first obtain them from land owners

Financial service providers

Evaluate land risk and prospect new customers much more easily and accurately.

Financial service providers

  • Prospect new customer targets outside of your known regions more effectively
  • Deliver more accurate land risk evaluations thanks to richer, more detailed data

Agricultural retailers

Grow sales and increase customer retention more effectively than what you can do with traditional methods.

Agricultural retailers

  • Better serve customers by giving them increased knowledge about operating their land
  • Prospect new clients more deeply in order to deliver customized offerings that resonate with them


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