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GHG Scopes 101:

Why Growers Enroll Their Fields in CIBO


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CIBO provides a breakthrough new approach to supporting, measuring, and, most importantly, compensating farmers for the sustainable practices you’re already doing. CIBO requires no multi-year contract commitments, no expensive and distracting soil sampling, and no disruption to your current operations. Simply sign up and, when the program becomes available in your area, get paid.

Continue Learning About Scope 1, 2, and 3 Emissions

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Download the eBook:

The Definitive Guide To Regenerative Agriculture

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The Definitive Guide to Low Carbon Corn for Carbon Neutral Ethanol

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Getting Started on Your Scope 3 Journey in Agriculture

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Confidence in Carbon Modeling

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The Current State of Net-Zero Target Setting and Accounting in Agriculture

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Boots on the Ground: Accelerating Regenerative Agriculture Program adoption with CIBO’s Tech-Enabled Grower Network Partners