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Accelerate Regenerative ROI With PAC and CIBO Impact

Scale Your Sustainability Programs

PAC is partnering with CIBO Technologies to deliver agronomic support and access to regenerative agriculture programs to growers in your area.

Eligible growers can quickly find out which regenerative incentive programs for which they qualify. PAC will assist you with enrollment via CIBO Impact and provide agronomic support to help ensure maximum ROI and outcomes that pay.

 Benefits of Enrolling in CIBO Impact

  • Learn About Carbon Markets and Regenerative Incentives: Find and learn about incentive programs for implementing regenerative practices like cover crops, reduced tillage, no-till and reduced nitrogen.
  • Enrollment Assistance: PAC will work with you to quickly determine your fields’ program eligibility and enroll fields in your chosen program(s).
  • Monitor Status and Payments: CIBO Impact allows you to monitor the status of programs in which you are enrolled and get paid as practices or carbon reduction outcomes are verified.
  • Automatically Prequalify Fields for New Programs: As new incentive programs are deployed, CIBO Impact will automatically run fields through prequalification and alert you of eligibility.
  • Agronomic Support: Shorten the time to better soil health. PAC will partner with you to provide expert advice on decisions like cover crop types and seeding methods.

PAC is Here To Advise On:

  • Program Enrollment
  • Regenerative Practice Adoption
  • Practice Verification

Let’s talk!

Email PAC to get started: