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What Do Crop Models Tell Us?

At CIBO, we use mechanistic crop models to understand the interactions within an agricultural system. Mechanistic crop models are essential because they provide interpretable insights into how plants grow. When crop simulation models are combined with statistical models and remote sensing techniques, users can answer a wide range of questions that support planting decisions. CIBO’s plant model describes the development and growth of the crop from planting to maturity.

Example outputs for crops

  • Kernels or fruit yield
  • Quality
  • Biomass

The soil model describes the different components of the soil layers and how these interact with the environment.

Example outputs for soil

  • Runoff
  • Nutrient utilization

Crop models allow anyone to test millions of possible scenarios at scale – in a matter of just hours – to accurately predict performance across a wide array of possible scenarios.

Anne Fairfield-sonn